New posts in probability

An urn with 32 balls where $5\choose r$ are labelled with the number $r$ (for $r=0,1,2,3,4,5$).

How to answer mathematical questions in the proper way

Normal Random Variable

Proof of identity about generalized binomial sequences.

Show that $\min(X,Y)$ has geometric distribution

Conditional expectation $E(X\mid XY)$ when $(X,Y)$ is standard normal

Problem on waiting time until the $r$th success

distribution flip a coin 1000 times

Computing an expectation of a function of an rv $E(f(X))$

How to show that $dX_{t} = \sqrt{2c\lambda} dB_{t}-\lambda X_{t}dt$ has the following solution

Analysis of a calculation of expected number of collisions in hashing

One of inequalities in the proof of Martingale transforms convergence

Brownian motion and Beta distribution

Past coin tosses affect the latest one if you know about them? [duplicate]

Derangements with repetitive numbers

Maximum of Polynomials in the Unit Circle

Probability that a random pair of points are opposite corners of a square in an $n\times n$ integer lattice

Confidence interval of a biased estimator that's asymptotiacally unbiased.

If $X \perp Y|Z$, does this mean that $X \perp Y|Z, W$? How about the other way around?

Answered: With what probability do $4$ points placed uniformly randomly in the unit square of $\mathbb{R}^2$ form a convex/concave quadrilateral?