New posts in probability

Generalized nontransitive dice

Interpretation of $\frac{22}{7}-\pi$

Probablility of a dart landing closer to the center than the edge of a square dartboard?

Given that at least one is a girl with characteristic C, show that the probability that both children are girls $= (2−p)/(4−p)$.

Convergence a.s of the sequence $\frac{X_n}{S_n}$

What's wrong with my attempt to find the probability that the strategy of always switching succeeds, given that Monty opens door 2?

Example of two dependent random variables that satisfy $E[f(X)f(Y)]=Ef(X)Ef(Y)$ for every $f$

Proof of analogue of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for random variables

Why wrong or unacceptable to write Pipes on their own, without any probability?

In the Monty Hall problem, why isn't Pr(I switch and win| Monty opens door 2) = 1/2?

How can "there's $\le$ 1 girl in the family" be independent from "the family has children of both genders"?

$\mathbb{P}(\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{W(n)}{\sqrt{n}}>c)\geq \lim_{n\rightarrow{\infty}}\mathbb{P}(W(n)/\sqrt{n}>c)>0$

Drawing Balls of Different Colors from an Urn

Variables defined as floor and fraction part from exponentially distributed random variable

Finding the distribution of the sum of three independent uniform random variables

Probability that the bag contains all balls white given that two balls are white

How to compute this integral involving a cdf?

How many fixed points in a permutation

Random Dental Floss Odds

Kelly criterion with more than two outcomes