New posts in probability

Expected number of runs in a sequence of coin flips

Finding expected number of distinct values selected from a set of integers

Intuitive explanation of variance and moment in Probability

What exactly is a probability measure in simple words?

Invert the softmax function

"A two-envelopes puzzle"

What's the probability of getting 1000 heads in a row?

Calculating Probability distribution of urn with UNKNOWN numbers of balls

Decomposing the average squared distance between X and E(X|Y)

Standard deviation of number of triangles in Erdos-Renyi uniform random graph G(n,m)

Calculation of the Covariance of Gaussian Mixtures

Is it safe to assume a GUID will always be unique?

confusion on determining integral limits in bivarite distribution

Intuitively, why does $\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac16 (p_{n - 1} + p_{n - 2} ... + p_{n - 6}) = 2/7$?

Monty Hall: What is the "unconditional probability of success" and "conditional probability of success"?

Why isn't $\frac1{3p} =$ the probability that the strategy of always switching succeeds, given that Monty opens door 2?

Confusing in limits of bivarite distribution and contradiction in related question

Draw a green marble from a bag that already contains a green or a blue marble.

Probability that the (rounded up or down) ratio of two random chosen numbers between 0 and 1 is ODD.

How to perform a fair coin toss experiment over phone?