New posts in probability

How many coordinates we need to remove from a uniformly selected point on the unit sphere before the remaining are on the same order of magnitude?

Car, gas, crow problem - looking for analytic solution

Probability of dependent events in an MMORPG [duplicate]

What's the probability that a given permutation has exactly $k$ fixed points. [duplicate]

Entropy of bivariate negative binomial distribution

Maximum likelihood estimator and asymptotic distribution

One sided Chebyshev's inequality

The Matching Problem/Derangements - n letters to n people

Expected number of steps for reaching $K$ in a random walk

Coin flipping probability?

Probability of of an event happening at least once in a sequence of independent events?

Prove there are no hidden messages in Pi

Probability notation two numbers stacked inside brackets

Let $S_n$ be a Simple Random Walk. What is $E[S_m|S_n]$ if $m < n$?

Probability of winning in a dice game

$66$ points in $100$ shots.

Step of Kolomogorov 0-1 law proof

Bounds for the maximum of binomial random variables

Prove that if $X$ is stochastically larger than $Y$ then $E(X)\ge E(Y)$

Expectation of Exit Time of Brownian Motion from Interval