New posts in probability

Finding expected value with recursion

Expected number of steps before three counters reach N modulo 2N at the same time

The parking problem riddle

Three points on a circle

$P$(lose 1 dollar)=0.7 $P$(lose 2 dollar)=0.2 $P$(get 10 dollar)=0.1 X:=the profit/lose.

Baby Shower Problem. Too hard for 1st grader but got parents thinking

Probability of having a Girl

Proof of $E(X)=a$ when $a$ is a point of symmetry

If $P(A) \neq Q(A)$, then is $P(A|B) \neq Q(A|B)$? [closed]

$Y,N$ are a random variables such that $F(y)=y^n, y\in(0,1] , p_N(n)=\frac{5}{6^{(n+1)}}.$ Find $F_Y(\frac{3}{4}),E[Y]$

Estimation of $\pi$ using dice

$12$ Identical balls can be placed into $3$ identical boxes,

Rolling a die until two rolls sum to seven

How likely is it for a randomly picked number to be larger than all previously chosen numbers?

The ratio between positive/negative numbers

Cumulative distribution function for min(X, 15)

Expected number of dice rolls before rolling "1,2,3,4,5,6"

A question about sigma-algebras: $\sigma(Y+f(X))= \sigma(Y+X)$ if $\sigma(f(X))= \sigma(X)$?

Expected maximum pairwise distance for $n$ points on a circle?

My solution to compute type II error