New posts in probability

Determining the CDF of an absolutely continuous random vector, given its density.

There are n men and n women. Each man chooses k women and each woman chooses k men. (k is given) Woman and man meet iff both of them chose each other

An unexpected application of non-trivial combinatorics

Equilibrium distributions of Markov Chains

Is this a known algebraic identity?

Probability that an integer number having Poisson distribution is even

Let X and Y be independent exponential random variables with shared parameter $\lambda$. Define the random variables U = Y and V = X+ XY

Chebyshev's inequality to find minimum

How many people would you need in a room to ensure with 100% probaility that three have the same birthday?

What is the probability of one person each from six groups being on the same committee?

Why does repeatedly drawing circles around a point create a "ring" pattern?

What is the expected number of runs of same color in a standard deck of cards?

Probability that $xy = yx$ for random elements in a finite group [duplicate]

Expected max load with $n$ balls in $n$ bins?

How many bins do random numbers fill?

Is there a "global" convexity locally around a minimum?

Let $X,Y,Z$ be independent discrete random variables. Calculate $P(X<Y<Z)$

Probability of getting a full house

Four balls with different colors in a box, how many times do I need to pick to see all four colors?

Probability of the union of $3$ events?