New posts in probability

Is $\frac{1}{\infty}$ equal zero?

Basu's theorem for normal sample mean and variance

What happens to the limiting property of $\frac{\hat{\theta_n}}{n^{1/2}}$ if n goes to infinity?

Independence intuition

Covariance between an exponential random variable and the maximum of several exponential random variables

Expected number of turns for a rook to move to top right-most corner?

Proof of Hoeffding's Covariance Identity

Convergence a.s. of a series of positive random variables.

How do I use expected value in this question?

Does $\{\omega \in \Omega: X(\omega) \leq t\} =\{\omega \in \Omega: \delta(\omega) =1\}\cap \{\omega \in \Omega: T(\omega) \leq t\}$ hold?

Expected Sum of 30 sided die rolls

Probability: 10th ball is blue

Distribution of weighted sum of Bernoulli RVs

What is the best play strategy for a game called "21"?

Distribution of Poisson process with waiting time.

Expected value of conditional probability

Integral of probability density over a Borel set

Flip a fair coin until three consecutive heads or tails appear

If Garry takes 3 pieces at random from the bag with the white chess pieces, what is the probability that he draws 2 pawns and a knight (in any order)?

5 cards are chosen from a standard deck. What is the probability that we get all four aces, plus the king of spades?