New posts in probability

Expected number of frog jumps

Expected maximum of sub-Gaussian

What is linearity of Expectations?

Must probability density be continuous?

Ratio of Boys and Girls

Probability a random walk is back at the origin

Solitaire probability

How do I show that the sum of two random variables is random variable?

Poisson distribution with exponential parameter

Advanced airplane problem

Proof for convergence in distribution implying convergence in probability for constants

Is the probability of picking an Ace as the second card of a deck the same if the deck is shuffled after the first card?

Find the expectation and standard deviation of the combined mass of rock samples collected

Probability in single-lane traffic flow: What are the odds of "choke points" being encountered?

how does expectation maximization work in coin flipping problem

Birthday problem- Adam and Eve

Show that two states in the same communicating class of a Markov chain must have the same period

Probability of consecutive dice rolls

Probability of winning in a die rolling game with six players

Deducing a probability distribution from its moment-generating function