New posts in probability

If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables, with $Z = \min(X,Y),$ prove that $Z^2\sim\chi^2(1),$

Expected number of triangles in a random graph of size $n$

Prove $E[XY]=E[YE[X|Y]]$

What does a probability of $1$ mean?

You have 3 cakes. Everytime you eat one, there's 17% chance the number of cakes is reset to 3. Find average number of cakes eaten?

Minesweeper probability

Why is observing 100 heads for a fair coin flips surprising?

$X \sim Bin(n,1/2), n-X \sim Bin(n,1/2)$

$\text{MSE}$ as an unbiased estimator for $\sigma^2$ [duplicate]

Problem with Gambler's ruin

Expected smallest prime factor

Expectation of gradient in stochastic gradient descent algorithm

Weakly Convergent Subsequence: Iff-Condition?

Can purchase of insurance be justified mathematically? [closed]

What is the probability that the socks are paired?

Probability for any ball to be picked X times.

Probability sum of 5 before sum of 7

The total number of subsets is $2^n$ for $n$ elements

Consistency of the estimator $T_n(X)=X_{(n)}$

Multivariate normal density in Python?