New posts in probability

Showing that the sample mean and variance are independent by showing two distribution are the same

Is conditional expectation with respect to two sigma algebra exchangeable?

A stick of length 1 is broken in a random place that is U(0, 1). Let X be the length of the longer piece and let Y be the length of the shorter piece.

9 room probability and expected value

Probability and uniform distribution

What are some martingales for asymmetric random walks?

HHT and HTH in tossing a coin

Intuition on Harris recurrence

Expected values of some properties of the convex hull of a random set of points

Number of flips to get to a Set of Positive Lebesgue Measure

Help with a Bollobás proof - Switching between random graph models

Hyper Birthday Paradox?

How to find $E(f(f(f(\ldots f(x)))$

Variant of dominated convergence theorem, does it follow that $\int f_n \to \int f$?

Minesweeper revisited

Property of zero mean and unit variance random variable

What is the expected profit?

Conditional expectation on Gaussian random variables

Is this condition enough to determine a random variable?

How can I prove this bijection between random walks?