New posts in probability

Probability of $\alpha\beta\gamma=\gamma\beta\alpha$ for random permutations of a finite set?

What is the probability that a five-card poker hand contains all 4 suits?

What is the probability that the first head will appear on the even numbered tosses

Count the possible ways to seat people at a round table

What is a sample path of a stochastic process

Applications of Probability Theory in pure mathematics

Probability that a random permutation has no fixed point among the first $k$ elements

independent, identically distributed (IID) random variables [closed]

Find the probability that a geometric random variable $X$ is an even number

P(tomorrow is the end of the world) =?

Why does the Cauchy distribution have no mean if it's symmetric around 0?

Probability of getting heads given that first flip was a head?

Sum of two independent geometric random variables

The definition of independence is not intuitive

Are irrational numbers completely random?

expected value of a sum of a 10 sided die

Sampling without replacement expectation proof

problem with cards

solve by intuition or counting

Infimum of a Set Involving Probability