New posts in probability-theory

Lower bound of Gaussian tail?

Monty Hall Problem Intuition

Supermartingale with constant Expectation is a martingale

A number is chosen by random from the set of natural numbers. what is the probability that number will be even? [closed]

Erdős-Rényi model, network reliability

How to get PDF from characteristic function

Show that $P$ is a probability measure on $(\Omega, F)$ [closed]

Strong law of large numbers for a scaled sequence of normally distributed random variables

How to show a binomial random variable dominates another binomial random variable with a smaller success value?

Conditional expectation given an event is equivalent to conditional expectation given the sigma algebra generated by the event

When random walk is upper unbounded

Proving that the characteristic function of $f(x)=\frac{1-\cos(x)}{\pi x^2}$ is $\max(1-|t|,0)$

If X and Y are random variables with the same distribution, prove that f(X) and f(Y) are random variables that have the same distribution.

Is there a mathematical basis for the idea that this interpretation of confidence intervals is incorrect, or is it just frequentist philosophy?

probability question on characteristic function

How can we show joint PMF of two random variable are independent

Will this procedure generate random points uniformly distributed within a given circle? Proof?

Intuition behind the concept of indicator random variables.

Determining if something is a characteristic function

Polya's urn as a counterexample for the Kolmogorov 0-1 law