New posts in present-perfect

The attachment has "already been sent" or has "been already sent"?

How is "I have come" + infinitive different from Present Perfect?

The use of present perfect on someone who has passed away

Present perfect used in the negative

Did you ever hear(see, do, anything else) vs. Have you ever(seen, done, and so on) heard? [closed]

"I had finished the work on friday" / "I have finished the work"

"…didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

"Have been having classes" or "have had classes for three months"?

present perfect + past simple in the same sentence

Difference between "have had" and "having"

“Have you seen...” or “Did you see...?”

Use of Perfect Tenses, depending on the position of the phrase 'the first time'?

Difference between "are you done" and "have you done."

Is there another way to say "needn't have done"?

Should I describe a book I've read in the past or present tense?

"Did it close" vs "Has it closed"? [duplicate]

A question regarding present perfect continuous

"Has changed since March 1" vs "Changed on March 1"

“have found” vs. “found”

Present perfect vs. Past perfect for finished actions [duplicate]