New posts in present-participles

What is the present participle of "stop, drop, and roll"?

In which way "verb+-doing" can be used to mean "something has been done"

Is there any logic behind continuing to distinguish 'gerund' from 'present participle' in traditional grammar?

Present participle clause with modal verbs

the first trial <stemming/to stem> from... vs. the first person to climb

Gerunds vs Participles

Can the word “deceiving” stand for “positive”?

Dangling Participle and Gerund

Grammatical function of 'shuffling' in 'He came shuffling out'

Present participle of want?

Is using past participle instead of present one more polite?

"Complicated" or "complicating"

The adjective "dashing": can it be used to describe a woman?

Why isn't there "is" in "They did it, thinking it more glamorous than..."?

Why can't "being" come after the verb "feel"?

I saw/looked at the girl singing on the stage

Using being in the middle of sentences [duplicate]

How to say Lie/Lay [closed]

"Appealing for" or "appealing to"?

Use of negative present participle