New posts in possessives

Possessive apostrophe for song title ending in a exclamation and in quotes

The significance of "y"

Is "I am at the doctor's" a correct usage? [duplicate]

How to use apostrophe properly in this sentence? [duplicate]

Author(s) last name(s) (to use possesive or not)

"Whomever runs it's" or "whomever runs its"?

Quoted Possessives Ending in "s"

"What are Liam and Noel's jobs?" versus "What are Liam's and Noel's jobs?" [duplicate]

When you say "his revenge", can "his" refer to the person on whose behalf said revenge is being taken?

"Writers' Contest" or "Writers Contest" [duplicate]

cat eye vs. cat's eye

Is it "a sombre look" or "sombre looks" when there are many people having (a) sombre facial expression(s)? [duplicate]

Are possessives determiners(his, my, her...) preferred to the definite article ('the')

"It is two teachers' birthday today" or "It is two teachers' birthdays today"?

Members’ Benefits vs Member’s Benefits [duplicate]

Which goal is whose?

"Dollars' worth" vs. "dollars worth" for numerals

Triple noun, plural and ownership apostrophe [duplicate]

Singular and plural possessive of "species"

How to use possessive apostrophe with words in quotation marks?