New posts in possessives

How to correctly refer to animal parts as food?

et al. with an apostrophe [duplicate]

Ten years (of) experience

How to introduce a related person's name plus a possessive? [closed]

Possessive apostrophe in "teams' time"?

How do I make a word possessive when there are words after it before the object? [duplicate]

My son's photo vs a photo of my son

What was the difference between "ye" and "thy"?

"Project's status" or "project status"

Confusing examples; Apostrophe-“s” vs “of ” [duplicate]

Why is the genitive case necessary/unecessary in the examples below?

When addressing my 'Sensei', should I omit the possessive "my"?

British English for possessive 's when a names ends with "s" [duplicate]

Grammaticality of 'that' relative clause in phrase beginning with possessive pronoun [duplicate]

Spelling and pronunciation of singular possessive names? [duplicate]

Adding a possessive to a singular noun phrase that ends in a plural noun

Use of a possessive noun in place of a location

One's or ones possesive noun or not? [duplicate]

"List of tasks" or "tasks' list"

Is the apostrophe placed before or after "and" in this instance? [duplicate]