New posts in phrases

Meaning of "by some margin"

Perseverance of the whole in spite of the loss of individual elements

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" but with a more negative connotation [duplicate]

English equivalent of the Hindi saying "Dusre par bill fadna", meaning "putting on others what YOU want"

Phrases starting with "The Fruits of ...."

Difference between "This makes no sense" and "This doesn't make sense"

The Cliché of Using the Phrase "[Subject], and You" in Article Titles

What do you call the early days of flu recovery

Oxford comma with nonessential phrases

When to use "in number" and when to use "in numbers"?

"Tug at your heart" or "tug at your heart strings"?

Is the use of ‘in’ and ‘under’ in the phrase in ‘one’s dizzying journey in under a year’ redundant?

Meaning of "sweaty pastries"

What does “bathe someone in a glow” mean?

Is it a common way to use “heartland” as in “give a heartland shout-out / comment to somebody”?

Is "shvisle" a real or made up word? [closed]

Did "based off of" come from a TV show for children?

Does it sound strange to use "hands-on background"?

There was nothing to do than watching films [closed]

the phrase "science proper" [duplicate]