New posts in cliche

The act of using a cliché with little consideration for what you're actually saying

Does the term "witch-hunt" apply when referring to dealing with a real problem?

Is it a poke in the eye with a sharp, or blunt stick?

The Cliché of Using the Phrase "[Subject], and You" in Article Titles

Where did the phrase "don't spend it all in one store" originate?

What does “flop out of the box” mean? Is it a popular turn of phrase?

What's the word for a cliche that is new?

What's a nice way to say "fool's errand"?

The use of "rift" in Orwell's "Politics and the English Language"

What is a more eloquent way to say "I hope I'm not asking too much"?

"Fork(s) of the road" to "fork in the road". Why the switch? [closed]

Origin of 'the new normal' as a freestanding phrase

Old timers referring to a "bad penny"

Is there a reference book that lists words by usage or theme?

What other alliterative phrases have become inseparable? [closed]

Is there English version of French army cliché, “A friend when you’re lieutenant, companion when captain, ... the enemy when you’re general"?

What does “Call things by their name” mean?

What on Earth does "cheap at half the price" mean?

Where did "a racist bone in [one's] body" and "a mean bone in [one's] body" come from?

What is the origin of the phrase "blue moon"? Any alternate phrase for it?