New posts in phonology

Vowel in "-ang" and "-ank" Words: Pronunciation and Dictionary Transcription

Can vs that ( /kæn/ vs /ðæt/ )

You becoming 'CHU' and 'JU'

American English Pronunciation of "o" sound long or short?

How is /ɑ:/ realized in British English: [ɑː] or more relaxed than [ɑː]?

Is a syllable defined phonetically or etymologically?

Difference between word-final iː, i and ɪ

Variations in the pronunciation of “ea”

Is there any Saxon word that contains /ʒ/?

number of syllables in GIRL

Which does English “l” and “r” sound come under, an allophone or different phonemes?

Why are the first syllables of “nature” and “natural” pronounced differently?

AmE Phonetics: < I don't n-> /aʊn/ [closed]

What’s the difference between /ӕ/ and /ɑ/?

Can you hear the difference between 'Writer' and 'Rider'? Why?

pronunciation US-UK in words like "semi"

Syllable division of VCV pattern in words such as "salad" and "lemon"

How did the "double consonant to shorten vowel" thing come about? ("furry" vs. "fury")

Why is 'an' used with 'an honour'?

Why isn't "giraves" the plural of "giraffe" like "wolves" is for "wolf"? [duplicate]