New posts in personal-pronouns

What does “themself” mean? [closed]

Usage of Me or I [duplicate]

Why is the accusative case used for a "topic"?

She stole her best friend’s boyfriend (from her)

How to use properly such generic person pronouns as one, people, you, we, and they

Why are words like "Thou" / "Thee" / "Ye" no longer used in English?

Did noted 17th century poet Katherine Philips make a grammatical error?

What do you say when you don't know someone's gender? [duplicate]

Proper usage of pronouns

Rewrite this grammatically troubling movie poster

Possessives ("his", "her") versus definite article ("the")

What should we fiil in in the blank? [duplicate]

Why is "be" the only English verb that inflects for grammatical person, not just for grammatical number like all the rest of them?

Use of the definite article before a person's name or pronoun

"your and Mr X's publication" vs. "you and Mr X's publication"

Pronunciation of "xe" and "xyr"

"We rarely go on holiday." Can I say "Us neither"?

“We three” vs “us three”

Should I use a singular or plural "one" here?

Does "In the event of ..." take the genitive case?