New posts in past-tense

While + Past Simple + Past Simple vs. While + Past Continues + Past Simple

What is an archaic, rare noun or word for an archetypal, vengeant, past tensive male character who is of the past that many aspire to be like?

Present tense of "unassigned"?

Irregular past tense confusion with compound noun/verb. More examples? [closed]

Mixing verb tenses involving a Past-Belief/Thought/Attitude about timeless facts

used to or past simple

Can "earlier this year" be used in the present perfect?

I noticed vs I have noticed [duplicate]

had not vs did not - past perfect [closed]

Can the present tense be used in the past tense to refer to something that always happens or to something that hasn't happened yet? [duplicate]

How do I refer to something that happened in the past, but it was recent at that time?

Past tense: "happen to have" or "happened to have"?

Past Perfect Continuous vs. Past Continuous

Graduate or graduated ?

When to use and not to use Past Perfect

Are pled and pleaded interchangeable past tense of plead?

"Did you just...." present or past tense?

Is the wording "haven't have had" correct?

Modal verbs and Past Perfect

Past Simple and Present Perfect