What is an archaic, rare noun or word for an archetypal, vengeant, past tensive male character who is of the past that many aspire to be like?

What I mean is "someone of old" that people could be drawn to. One who is stuck in the past and in his ways and dislikes the future.

Something like: • an originator • an innovator • a predecessor • an uncaused, time-traveler.

Edit: This character also could have nefarious, mysterious, dismissive or even obsolete characteristics in his personality traits, yet rapidly breaks free from them in a rather vengeant manner.


a statement, pattern of behavior, a prototype, a "first" form or a main model which other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy, emulate or "merge" into. (Frequently used informal synonyms for this usage include "standard example", "basic example", and the longer form "archetypal example". Mathematical archetypes often appear as "canonical examples".)

Someone who is an archetypal character is someone who represents the primal nature of man.