New posts in passive-voice

Can a text read itself or can it only be read? [duplicate]

'As can be seen ...' <--- Can English have a tensed clause without a Subject?

Mix active and passive voice in the thesis

Is "door" the direct object of "The cat ran out the door"?

Some doubt about the verb "meet"

Indirect object? Direct object? In active voice? In passive voice?

Passive form of "John is painting his room"

Inversion by "only" in a passive sentence

To GIVE BIRTH in passive mode

Difference between this two sentences

"Wish" in the Passive [closed]

Is "Let's get started" passive voice or not?

"The carrots need being chopped" and "The carrots need to chop" [closed]

Past passive tense for smite without connoting infatuation, or an alternative

What is correct: "will be not" or "will not be"? [closed]

Passive voice of intransitive verbs

'took several years to be built' or 'took several years to build' – which one is correct?

The English Tense in Passive Voice

To explain or to be explained

Can linking verbs be used instead of BE in passive voice?