New posts in orthography

meaning and usage of 'teh'

Is it acceptable that I use ligatures and diæreses?

Past tense ending for verbs ending in -a

Chanterelle and Chantrelle, which is the correct name of the mushroom?

<ie ⟷ y> before the ·ing suffix

Should it be "doxxed/doxxing" or "doxed/doxing"?

-t- and -tt- in present participle and past participle of words

"Lambast" or "lambaste"

Grammar Corrections

Why is there discrepancy between the pronunciation of words ending with "-ook"? [duplicate]

"Duffel" or "duffle"

Is there a specific for a voluntarily made monosyllabic sound from the mouth used to express humor/laughter/cynicism?

Reengineering or re-engineering? [closed]

Why is "Yosemite" spelled that way?

Abbreviating a term containing "hypotheses" [duplicate]

(UK-US English) If "mom = mother" then why "mum" isn't "muther"? [closed]

Is there an online dictionary listing words spelled in reverse?

What words have “‑ei‑” (except in “‑cei‑”) pronounced [i:]?

Spelling of Auntie vs Aunty?

"Uncapable" or "incapable"?