New posts in objects

To explain or to be explained

Preparatory it; not possible for complements

Grammar rule: ONE sentence; ONE subject, ONE predicate. Is it?

Object vs Subject?

"There is to be no drinking beer today" What is the status of "no" and "beer" here?

sentence pattern clarification [closed]

Can "shrugging" only be done with shoulders?

Can the verb "wonder" simply take an object?

What happened first: "ye"/"you" merging to "you", or "thou"/"thee" falling out of common use?

How does "_ and I"/"_ and me" rule change when inside brackets?

Is the signature of a letter a subject or an object?

Word with -ee as a suffix

Should I use "who" or "whom" as the only word in a sentence?

How is transitivity defined in CGEL?

Correct form of object of sentence with grouped possessive and personal pronoun?

Identifying the subject: Should ‘who’ or ‘whom’ be used here?

Hoodie with no hood [closed]

Help Fixing Yoda-like Sentence Structure? [closed]

"They interviewed several candidates who/whom he thought had the experience he required." [duplicate]

Hyphen or no hyphen when modifying an adjective with an intensifier / downtoner?