New posts in mathematics

"Let's/We let A be a variable"

Mathematically correct expressions for basic operations

Is there a fraction prefix for “(one-)third”?

How to read “A = (πr)²” so as not to mistake it for “A = πr²” [duplicate]

Collection of mathematical formulas

In statistics' confusion matrix, why does 'recall' have that name?

Translation of "He has 8 more quarters than dimes." into symbols?

Another word for "fraction" that fits in conversation like "percent"? [closed]

Plural for math notations

word for bringing a number to its absolute value

What do you call two functions that go together (i.e. as opposites), especially in programming

What’s the correct usage of “modulo”?

"yields" vs "yields that" in math context

Why do people say "find the integral" instead of "evaluate the integral"?

Hyphens after the prefixes “non-” and “anti-” in mathematics

What's the word for the small square indicating a right angle in a geometric figure?

What is the origin of the word "affine" in the context of mathematics?

"infinity more of square roots" and "infinity of square roots"

cross-condition meaning in medical section text?

"Specialize" as a transitive verb and an antonym for "generalize"