New posts in mathematics

How do you say "powers of ten"?

Is it incorrect to omit the "to" after the object after "round" like "Round your answer one decimal place"?

Symbol and sign in mathematics

Which verb to use with "The variable [verb] a value"?

Why is linear interpolation called lerp?

Capitalization and hyphenation for prefixed adjectives derived from proper names in mathematics

"df." as an abbreviation

What can I call the two possible directions on a line (as a category)?

What does "either A or B" mean precisely, and how can I prove it? [duplicate]

Words for north/south and east/west dimensions?

"Hence", "therefore" and "so" in mathematical proofs

"by induction hypothesis" or "by THE induction hypothesis"

Using the word "difference" in the meaning "result of subtraction" taking into account the negative values

Can I say eight-gon, nine-gon and ten-gon instead of octa-, nona-, and deca-gon?

"conal" vs "conical"

Why is the verb to be in the infinitive in 'Praise be to God.'? [duplicate]

How to punctuate math fractions?

"Commutivity" or "commutativity"

"Such that" vs. "Subject to" [closed]

What is the historical origin for the naming of the word 'function' in its mathematical context?