Another word for "fraction" that fits in conversation like "percent"? [closed]

Solution 1:

The word you are looking for is "fraction". A "fraction" is a number that represents the quotient of two numbers or a numeric quantity that is not a whole number. It can also simply mean a part broken off from the whole. Two online dictionaries give ".2" and "0.5" as examples of fractions.

Solution 2:

Perhaps, "decimal fraction" :

1.(arithmetic) The fractional part of a decimal number: the digits to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, a "decimal fraction" would refer to numbers smaller than one, but greater than zero

Solution 3:

For such a value there is no word (no common word, at least; note that you don't know it). What you described is a value drawn from the unit interval. I suggest you use "fraction" or "unit fraction", since fraction means part of a whole in one common meaning.

Aside: Percentages do not describe integers 0 to 100; one can have 250% and 1.1%. They describe a number represented visually by 100 times its value. Any normal number is a per-unit number; it is a number represented by 1 times the value (which is also 1 times 1 times its value, etc.). Hence "perunit" then isn't a usefully descriptive name.