New posts in mathematics

Can "semicircle" be used to refer to a part-circle that is not a exact half-circle?

What do you call a '>' relation between two unknowns? [duplicate]

Does "less than" really mean "subtracted from", or is it bad English?

Word for equivalence preserving transformations of equations

A single word adjective for "having only one interpretation; leaving no doubts"

Why is the word "the" used before different categories of calculus?

Horizontal, Vertical and? [duplicate]

what is the ed version of times? is it timesed [closed]

What's the term for the left hand side of a comparison operation?

Fluents and Fluxions

What do you call a number with no repeating digits?

"exact soluble model" or "exact solvable model", "analytic" or "analytical" solutions

Word for position and direction

What is the general term for "greater than or equal to" and "less than or equal to"?

Is there an analogous word to "quadrants" but used when something is divided into nine pieces? [duplicate]

Umbrella term for maximum, minimum, median and average

Word to describe a mathematical variable that repeats, like an angle or time

Word meaning one "half" of a dyad

Admitting a unique fixed point in math

Is there a prefix for "infinite"?