A single word adjective for "having only one interpretation; leaving no doubts"

I am looking for an adjective with a meaning: this is definite, clear, and there's no room for misinterpretation; nothing's left variadic.

For example: logical statements have only one, very strict interpretation. The purpose of the word is similiar: to be used for a mathematical model thoroughly describing a real object. The real object comes in tons of varieties, but the model points to strictly only one.

I've searched the uncle Google and came up with unequivocal but that doesn't seem right.

The most obvious choice would be unambiguous, I would say.

unequivocal sounds right to me.

unequivocal: not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation

As an alternative, consider irrefutable.

irrefutable: that cannot be refuted or disproved; not able to be proved wrong: not capable of being refuted

Some general terms include
indisputable, “Not disputable; not open to question; obviously true”
definite, “Having distinct limits; Free from any doubt; Determined; resolved”

In a mathematical context, consider either of the following terms:
well-defined, “Accurately and precisely described or specified” and “(mathematics, of a function etc) Defined using unambiguous axioms”
sound, “Complete, solid, or secure” and “(mathematics, logic) (argument, logical system) having the soundness property”

Univocal :

An expression , word or term having only one meaning.

The closest to the opposite of lexical ambiguity, or polysemy is monosemy: having only one meaning