New posts in math-history

The origin/use of "derivative" and "differentiate"

Which hot math research fields became insignificant later on?

'Comeback' stories of Mathematicians

How was the integral formula for the binomial coefficient discovered?

Mathematician's names in structures.

Who was the first to prove $\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin{x}}{x}=1 $?

Is Edwin Jaynes correct about statistics?

Why do we put the f on the left of x? [duplicate]

Origin of the name 'test functions'

Riemann's thinking on symmetrizing the zeta functional equation

Did the directional derivative get developed before the gradient?

Was the Lie bracket once called the Poisson bracket? (Milnor's Morse Theory)

Where does the word "hypergeometric" come from?

Etymology of the name "deck transformation"

Grid spacing, iterations used in the 1978 first published rendering of the Mandelbrot set?

What was the notation for functions before Euler?

Who first proved Peano Arithmetic is not finitely axiomatizable?

The pronuncation of "Tychonoff" and "Alaoglu"

What is the mathematical intuition behind àl-jàbrà?

Elementary problems that would've been hard for past mathematicians, but are easy to solve today? [closed]