New posts in math-history

How did people calculate numerical values of transcendental and trigonometric functions?

On a definition of manifold

Why are compact sets called "compact" in topology?

Why do we need vectors and who invented it?

What are the disadvantages of non-standard analysis?

Which symbol should be used for an empty set?

Origin of $\mapsto$ notation

Why is the Mazur swindle named so?

Why $\sqrt {-1}\cdot \sqrt{-1}=-1$ rather than $\sqrt {-1}\cdot \sqrt{-1}=1$. Pre-definition reason!

Proof for de Moivre's Formula

Why has the Perfect cuboid problem not been solved yet?

How did Cohen invent forcing?

Peano Arithmetic before Gödel

When was Regularity/Foundation universally adopted?

Sperner's theorem on antichains - where does it come from?

Where did the angle convention originate?

The general proposition of Fermat

Why "integralis" over "summatorius"?

History of definitions for an ellipse?

Mac Lane and Eilenberg's motivations for category theory