New posts in math-history

Is there any difference between a math invention and a math discovery? [closed]

What interview of G. H. Hardy by P. Erdős does Wikipedia refer to?

Who is a Math Historian?

What's the history of the result that $p_{n+1} < p_n^2$, and how difficult is the proof?

Why is $e$ the Identity?

Source of Hardy-Littlewood's 2nd Conjecture

How did Ramanujan find this formula?

Why is it Euler's 'Totient' Function?

Can we prove that odd and even numbers alternate without using induction?

Why is the permanent of interest for complexity theorists?

How did Descartes come up with the spoof odd perfect number $198585576189$?

Why are imaginary numbers called imaginary numbers

Who came up with the arrow notation $x \rightarrow y$?

The word "integral" in calculus unrelated to "integral" / "integer" in algebra?

Color each positive integer with red and blue, whether there must be three numbers $a, b, c$ with same color such that $a^2+b^2 = c^2$? [duplicate]

Where is the name "coset" in group theory from?

What's an example of an infinitesimal?

How do mathematicians think about the existence of numbers?

Curious about math and Soviet Union

What's the idea behind the Taylor series?