New posts in math-history

What is the history behind the development of the term "coefficient"? [closed]

Why are even/odd functions called even/odd?

When can ZFC be said to have been "born"?

What is the meaning of set-theoretic notation {}=0 and {{}}=1?

Why the name 'FACTORIAL'?

Who decides after whom a theorem or conjecture is named?

Mathematicians who are famous for reasons other than mathematics [closed]

What's the hard part of zero?

Good examples for mathemathical problems/statements that are easely solvable/provable in one theory and hard to solve/prove in another

Is this a known method for solving linear equations in 1 variable?

History of the point at infinity?

Hao Wang's $\mathfrak S$ system/$\Sigma$ system: a "transfinite type" theory that avoids the Goedel's theorems.

History of the matrix representation of complex numbers

Journals of math history?

Documentary of mathematics. [duplicate]

History of the terms "prime" and "irreducible" in Ring Theory.

Did Euler have an alpha function?

Why do we first introduce the open set definition for continuity instead of the neighborhood definition?

What is the name of the $\in$ symbol and where does it come from?

Notation and the name choice for meet and join (in order theory)