What interview of G. H. Hardy by P. Erdős does Wikipedia refer to?

I've found the source of this interview.

It's in Paul Erdos' biography by Paul Hoffman, " The Man Who Love Only Numbers"(1998). Starting from page 78, the book describes Erdos left Hungary for Cambridge in 1934 due to the raging Hungarian Fascism. It was at Cambridge, the second day of his arrival, that he met G. H. Hardy, and inquired him about Ramanujan.

The quote "Erdos asked Hardy what his most important contribution to mathematics was. 'The discovery of Ramanujan,' " appeared at the bottom of page 82.

Erdos conducting an interview - seems unlikely to me. Kanigel, page 358, writes,

Paul Erdos has recorded that when Hardy was asked about his greatest contribution to mathematics, he unhesitatingly replied, "The discovery of Ramanujan."

A footnote traces this to $\it The Hindu$, 19 December 1987.