Facebook Email field return null (even if the “email” permission is set and accepted)

For some users in our application, the email field returns NULL even if the user has granted the email access to the app. When we check the scope parameter and the validity of the user Token thanks to the Debugger tool, everything is ok. The permission email has been accepted. But when we ask the Graph API for the email of the user with the valid user token, it does not appear at all.

Is there a way a user could prevent an app from getting his email even if he granted the email permission?


I had the same problem and I think I found out why: If the user has an unconfirmed email in Facebook (i.e. Facebook sent him a validation mail to the user's email address but he didn't respond) Facebook WILL NOT pass that email to your app even if he gave you the email permissions.

So what I did is use his or her Facebook email if the user has a user name (i.e. [email protected]).

I have the same issue. It is working fine on my localhost, i am using php SDK for facebook login and when i submit my request it's return all the fields like email,name etc of the user but on server somehow it is not working.It will not returns user email. I have done lots of R&D on that and i have the solution for the issue. :)

$profile = $facebook->api('/me?fields=email,first_name,last_name');

if you are using php-sdk just passes fields like this it returns the email,first_name etc. Hopes it works for you all. thanks.

All you need to know:

1) Link 1

Some possible reasons:

No Email address on account

No confirmed email address on account

No verified email address on account

User entered a security checkpoint which required them to reconfirm their email address and they have not yet done so

  • Users's email address is unreachable

  • You also need the 'email' extended permission, even for users who have a valid, confirmed, reachable email address on file.

2) Link 2

Note, even if you request the email permission it is not guaranteed you will get an email address. For example, if someone signed up for Facebook with a phone number instead of an email address, the email field may be empty.