New posts in math-history

What was Klein working on when he "replaces his Riemann surface by a metallic surface"?

Where did the inverse function notation "$f^{-1}$" come from?

how exactly did calculus change our understanding of the world?

What is the "Principle of permanence"?

How did the Symmetric group and Alternating group come to be named as such?

Why do we notate the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$ as $(a,b)$?

How to Axiomize the Notion of "Continuous Space"?

Examples of open problems solved through short proof

Good (Auto)Biographies of von Neumann and other physicists/mathematicians

Indian claims finding new cube root formula

Why do we consider prime numbers important, and what are their applications other than number theory in pure math?

Any book on major (recent) math discovery (results) in an easy understanding way?

Did Landau prove that there is a prime on $\bigl(x,\frac65x\bigr)$?

Why is the argument on the right?

Origins of the name "Q" and "R" for cofibrant and fibrant replacement functors.

Isaac Newton did number theory?!

Original Formulation of Hilbert's 14th Problem

What fonts or typefaces were commonly used in old (pre-1950) mathematics literature?

What meaning did Riemann assign to $dx$?

Fibonacci, compositions, history