Good (Auto)Biographies of von Neumann and other physicists/mathematicians

Which is the "best" biography of von Neumann available to the casual reader (math undergrad)? Also, other than the Ulam book, which other good biographies of physicists/mathematicians can be recommended?

Solution 1:

Here are a few biographies of von Neumann.

Giorgio Israel, Ana Millán Gasca, The world as a mathematical game. John von Neumann and twentieth century science. Science Networks. Historical Studies, 38. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2009. xii+207 pp. ISBN: 978-3-7643-9895-8

Norman Macrae, John von Neumann. The scientific genius who pioneered the modern computer, game theory, nuclear deterrence, and much more. Reprint of the 1992 original. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1999. x+406 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-2064-8

Steve J. Heims, John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener. From mathematics to the technologies of life and death. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1980. xix+547 pp. ISBN: 0-262-08105-9

Solution 2:

Richard Feynman's books:

  • Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman.
  • What Do You Care What Other People Think?

Solution 3:

A bit of a meta-answer: for biographical searches on mathematicians, a very good way it to visit the Mathematical Biographies maintained by University of St Andrews, find the guy, scroll to the bottom, and click on the link to the list of bibliographic references.

Solution 4:

To name a few,

Halmos: I want to be a mathematician

Shimura: The map of my life

Weil: The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician

Wiener: I am a mathematician