New posts in math-history

More unknown / underappreciated results of Euler

Infinite series for the arctangent from the tangent of half-angle formula

ancient concepts and modern concepts

l'Hopital's questionable premise?

Why did Grothendieck invent schemes when they seem at odds with his philosophy?

Who first explicitly wrote the determinant identity $\det(1+AB) = \det(1+BA)$?

Why is $i$ called "imaginary"?

Chi-square or chi-squared?

Sources of "morality of results" in mathematics

Articles on ideas in the history of mathematics notation?

History of terminology: sheaves, presheaves, etc.

When was the term "mathematics" first used?

History of Compass/Straight Edge Construction

$i^i$ having infinitely many values. Significance? History? Applications?

When, how & who first gave this calculation of $\pi$

Serge Lang and categories

The three unsolved problems of antiquity

Old vs. Modern Galois theory

Interesting Medieval Mathematics Lecture/Activity Ideas?

Khayyam's work on cubic equations