New posts in math-history

How one should treat M.Kline's "Mathematics. The Loss of Certainty"?

What novel results are there in Euclidean geometry in the last 50-100 years?

Where did Descartes write, "With me everything turns into mathematics."

What cubic problems did Tartaglia and Fior pose to each other?

integrating the secant function, who figured this out?

List of proofs of non-trivial theorems which were unnoticed to be wrong for at least a few years

Why was $\aleph$ (aleph) chosen for infinities?

Why do trapezium and trapezoid have inverted meanings in the US?

Why is square root by long division found so?

Who first proved that the second-order theory of real numbers is categorical?

Mathematical results that were generally accepted but later proven wrong?

Fibonacci numbers modulo $p$

A quote by Jacobi

Connections between number theory and abstract algebra.

Origin of the modern definition of the tensor product

Who introduced the notation $x^2$? [closed]

Pythagorean theorem expressed without roots in an old Tamilian (Indian) statement

What does "Mathematics of Computation" mean?

What is the significance of deciding the convention of $1 \text{ radian} = 180 \text{ degrees}$ over $\pi$?

The average of the roots of a polynomial equals the average of the roots of its derivative