New posts in linguistics

What linguistic feature would I draw upon to explain this?

What's the word for the use of the wrong prefix or suffix?

Is /l/ in “whole” dark or clear?

Pronunciation: /sɪksθ/ /t/

When did prodigies stop being evil?

'The phrase “cute puppy,”is not considered a collocation.' Is this correct?

Linguistic meaning of 'let' variable in programming [duplicate]

Syntax for marking incorrect examples of language

Why is it half and not second?

Why does 'lowdown' mean 'the true facts and the relevant information'?

What does it mean by: This might take a while?

Determing the lexical category of a word based on the affixes attached

Why does "to keep someone posted" mean "to keep someone updated"?

What is it called when you take a word with a bad connotation and make it a word with a positive connotation?

Is it "five hundred thousand" or "five hundred thousands"? [closed]

Is there a term for using one language's syntax with another's words?

What are words similar in spelling but differing in meaning called?

The sentence 'I use this way' sounds weird?

the meaning of 'even up' and 'even out'

Historic Discussions of Probability and Probability Comparisons