New posts in linguistics

What is the need of an invisible affix?

Are there any mutually unintelligible English dialects?

Is there a phrase for someone being ashamed of, or self-conscious about their accent when moving to another region?

What's the purpose of differentiating the singular and plural forms of verbs? [closed]

Is it possible to regard "vacant" and "vacancy" as allomorphs (variants) of the same root in Modern English?

Alternative Descriptive Statement - Calling something like it really is; both intentionally/unintentionally funny

What are these very formal, old-fashioned words (wherein, thereof etc.) called? [closed]

Is it worth studying linguistics if your goal is to simply improve your communication?

Interweaving A and E (e.g., æ) in written words [duplicate]

Retroflex approximants in AE dialects

Technical Term Needed

Inserting meaningless phrase in sentences

Why is it "to have sex" instead of "to sex?"

How many morphemes in 'during'? [closed]

Is "Often" an Elision

Voiceless consonant -> voiced consonant before vowel?

Voiced sounds after voiced and unvoiced after unvoiced

Transition from /p/ to /v/

Removal of a repeated syllable for ease of pronunciation

What is it called when one person calls another something they metaphorically resemble?