Determing the lexical category of a word based on the affixes attached

I am currently taking a Linguistics course and am learning about affixes. Through reading the textbook and following the lectures, I have realized that certain prefixes and suffixes are attached to words that belong only to a certain lexical category. For instance, derivational affixes are attached to nouns and certain suffixes are only attached to adjectives.

I was just hoping to know if anyone here could provide any sources that I can use to learn more about this. Perhaps a list that contains various affixes and which category of words they are generally morphed with. It is just a little overwhelming to figure what the lexical category of a word is by just following the affixes given that different combination will give different results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

If you want a list of affixes, there's Wiktionary: You will be most interested in the productive affixes, of which there are 37 prefixes and 36 suffixes listed on Wiktionary.

Regarding the derivational affixes, you said that that they're attached to nouns. That's not necessarily true. A derivational affix is any affix that creates a new word from a different word.

I don't know about other resources regarding linguistics and affixes. Personally I read most things on Wikipedia. Since you are in a linguistics course you might want something more scholarly, and you might get better recommendations on the Linguistics Stack Exchange.