New posts in kinship-terms

Gender-neutral version of widow & widower?

father-in-law = step-father?

Can something be a parent or child "to"/"of" something?

Early 1800s "step sister"?

What is the word for the order of succession in which son assumes the throne after father? [closed]

What is the female equivalent for "uxorious"?

What are the limits of the prefix 'step' to describe relationships?

Salutation for two doctors (not married)

When does an aunt’s partner or husband become an uncle?

Replacement for "brethren" to refer to mostly female group

How do I refer to the unmarried mother of my grandson?

My family vs. my family

What does a girl call the second husband of her widowed stepmother? [closed]

How do married gay couples address each other?

Filling out forms that ask for “relationship with”

What's the term for siblings born 1+ years apart on the same day?

Is there a word for a younger aunt or uncle?

What is the relationship name of my wife's brother to me?

Confusion over “family name” in English: What about double-barrelled last names? [closed]

Is there a word that means "the wife of one's brother"?