New posts in kinship-terms

Word for relationships between triplets

Why is it "grandfather", but "great-uncle"?

What do you call a male child of your female cousin? [duplicate]

Meaning of "direct descendant" as opposed to "indirect descendant"

Ask someone about their birth order [duplicate]

Is the "female" in "female cousin" redundant here?

What’s the parent of a clone called?

Title or word to describe the first, original member of a family tree

When describing a person without siblings, should I say "the -" or "an only child"?

Where do the words for daughter, son, aunt, uncle, mother, father, cousin, nephew, niece come from?

I was raised being called "sister" by my family. What's the background on this usage?

Which is the correct spelling: "Granddad" or "Grand-dad" or "Grandad"?

Where's 'in-law' in mother-in-law from?

Is there a term for people on the same line of the family tree?

What is the relationship name of my sibling-in-law's sibling to me?

Is there a term for all of your parents' children?

Gender-independent replacement for “fiancée” and “fiancé”

Why doesn't the English language have distinct words to use when talking to elders? [closed]

A word for someone who you share a half-sibling with

How can I know the exact meaning of “cousin” in a sentence?