Is there a term for all of your parents' children?

In other words, is there a collective term for describing your siblings and yourself?

The phrase sibling group is sometimes used for this: eg

"being the youngest of my sibling group of five" — Through My Eyes...


"there were seven boys of my sibling group who served in various military units during World War II" — A Year in the Life of a Cowboy

However, it is also used to refer to a group of siblings that you are not necessarily a part of (eg one you have adopted).

The most common way to describe this is certainly to say "my siblings and I" or, informally, "me and my brothers and sisters".

You might describe them as a brood, but it often has negative connotations.


> off·​spring | \ ˈȯf-ˌspriŋ \

the product of the reproductive processes of an animal or plant : YOUNG, PROGENY

CHILD a mother of numerous offspring

Synonyms: fruit, get, issue, posterity, progeny, seed, spawn