What is the difference between "of importance" and "important"?

I want to know the difference in meaning between "of importance" and "important" as in " It is of importance to me." and " It is important to me." please, give me the answer..

Instead of "a beautiful woman" you can say a woman of great beauty.

A powerful man can be changed to a man of power. And so on.

In Latin grammars such genitives instead of an adjective were called genitivus qualitatis, genitive of quality. It is a simple rhetoric device. Of course, the genitive has more weight and is more conspicuous than the normal adjective. But such formulas are a means of rhetorical style and hardly used in normal spoken language.


Although both would be "correct," the version with important is far more common, to the extent that the other version sounds a little funny. You would certainly hear It is a matter of great importance as a set expression, however.