What is the word for a good work?

I am helping a charity and I need to invite my friends to join in. We're not asking for any money or valuables but just their time for some feedback on few questions.

I am struggling at the opening line of the invitation message—what I want to say is that "I need your help in this great work / noble work" but it just doesn't sound that impressive/catchy.

Jihad or movement both describe something too big to describe "answering a few questions."

Please note that it is for non-native English speakers.

Solution 1:

I would look at this question: what's the opposite word for 'sin'. About the best you can do is "I performed a good/virtuous/righteous/moral/meritorious act/deed."

Again, there's not a single word that does what you want. Since this is for non-native English speakers, you may as well use the simplest, most direct choice of words. If you're really looking for a single word, you could try jihad or movement, but these have all kinds of other connotations and don't work well for your stated purpose

Endeavor, undertaking, task. . . If these words are too big, then stick with "good/great work". It doesn't need to be "catchy" or "impressive" to be effective. Sometimes a clear, simple, direct message is all you need, especially for people who may not know much English.

If you really need some buzzword or catchphrase to make an impact, consider hiring a PR firm!

Solution 2:

I don't know a single English word that isn't hopelessly archaic. Hebrew/Yiddish has mitzvah, if your fellow-primates are in the Jewish community.

Otherwise I'd go with "I need your contribution to this effort". Contributing to an effort feels gratifyingly strenuous, out of all proportion to the actual energy expended.

Solution 3:

We tend to play greatness down in the UK - it may be a national failing, but results in descriptors such as great endeavour or noble work sounding rather pompous or naive. Jihad and crusade can sound very threatening. We'd probably stick with (very) worthwhile project.