New posts in intensifying-adverbs

Placement of 'Little'

How recent is the use of "so" as in "I'm so full", and did it originate in US or UK English?

The day started off incredibly terribly?

Is "mad" used as an intensifier in the UK?

We did it at exactly the right time vs We did it at the exactly right time.

Comparative form of adjective "starving"

How does suffixing adjectives with "ass" work out grammatically?

Adverb placement: "There is still" vs. "there still is"

Can medium intensifiers be ranked by the strength of intensification? [duplicate]

Shall I use 'thus' or 'thusly'? [duplicate]

Two adverbs in a row: "I counted my classmates one by one out loud." [closed]

"Stories are so much a part of our lives that many people seldom think about them." : The use of 'so' and 'so much' as intensifiers

"Thirty times weaker": Using a multiplier to describe the lack of something [duplicate]

Why are things often "very tasty", but rarely "very delicious"

Did "A F" exist as an intensifier prior to social media?

How vs. how much as an intensifier

Why is "extremely longer" not correct (according to the ACT)?

Is there an acceptable corresponding negative to "well off"?

When and how did "pretty" enter English as an intensifying adverb?

“Thank you very much” vs. “Thank you so much”