The day started off incredibly terribly?

Is it grammatically correct to say:

The day started off incredibly terribly.

My reasoning is that it is, since this is correct:

The day started off terribly.

The manner in which the day started off was terrible - it started off terribly. Then "incredibly" modifies "terribly".

However, it sounds a bit weird, so I'm not sure.

Solution 1:

It's grammatically correct, but inadvisable. It is easier on the reader to state "It started off as an incredibly terrible day.

But did it? Really? An incredibly terrible day usually starts out with something that is terrible, and builds as additional terrible events occur. If there was a single event that made it all that terrible, I'd refer to it as a catastrophic day.

Solution 2:

People often avoid repetition. IncredIBLY, terrIBLY, two vowels of the same contour (sound shape). It's a bit like I'm gonna go ask -- I'm gonna ask is more frequent. :)